Sacred Silence Retreat
When living in a time of a pandemic, global unrest, and a new normal that continues to constantly change, it is easy to become overtaxed, overwhelmed and overstimulated. Which is why taking time for Sacred Silence is essential: it allows you to power down so you don’t short circuit.
In this 3-Hour Sacred Silence Retreat, you’ll be guided to let go of all the outer distractions, so you have more access to your own inner wisdom, guidance and clarity.

The Sacred Retreat is for you if:
You’re looking for ways to reduce anxiety and stress.
You’re at a crossroads and have a big decision to make.
You’re hungry for some you-time and want it to be intentional.
You don’t know the last time you’ve been still and quiet with yourself.
You’re afraid to be alone with yourself and your thoughts.
You’ve been feeling irritable and annoyed with everyone and everything.
You’re feeling overwhelmed, run down, perhaps even burned out, and your body is asking you to take a break.
You’re wired to keep running and even though you want to stop, you don’t know how.
You’ve been making yourself wrong for wanting to slow down, so you keep pushing yourself. But you know that if you keep going the way you have been, something’s gotta give. (And that something might be your health and sanity.)

What is unique about this Sacred Silence Retreat is that it includes movement, emotional release, journaling, spiritual readings, music, breathwork and more. You do not have to have any previous experience with meditation, breathwork or silence to benefit from the Sacred Silence Retreat.
Dates: TBD
Location: Virtual (delivered via Zoom)
Investment: $197
Sacred Silence Retreat Teacher Training
The Teacher’s Training is for you if you’re a holistic practitioner, movement instructor, therapist, coach or retreat leader, looking to guide your clients / students / participants through a Sacred Silence Retreat.
In this 6-Hour Training, you’ll learn how to guide others through a Sacred Silence Retreat. Specifically, you’ll receive:
Step by step instructions for how to prepare, deliver and integrate the Sacred Silence Retreat, whether you lead it as a solo event or as part of a multi-day retreat.
Suggestions for how to weave this experience into the work you’re already doing to amplify your participants’ transformation.
Tips on addressing potential questions and challenges to assist participants in a deeper Retreat experience.
This training also includes:
Experiential: A short Sacred Silence Retreat so you can personally experience this before the Teacher’s Training.
Implementation: You’ll also write out your own course plan (using our Retreat Template) so you leave ready to lead a retreat immediately.
What is unique about this Sacred Silence experience is that it includes movement, emotional release, journaling, spiritual readings, music, breathwork and more.
Dates: TBD
Location: Virtual (delivered via Zoom)
Investment: $497