Aundrea “Drea” Veney
TEACHING STYLE: Compassionate, Spirited, and Communal.
WORDS TO LIVE BY: "Do the thing you think you cannot. Fail at it. Try again. Do better a second time. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. This is your moment Own it." - Oprah Winfrey
INSTANT JOY: Listening to my grandchildren laugh.
FEMME! FAVORITES: I love the safe container [of Femme!] that helps everyone get out of our heads and into our body.
Aundrea Veney; Inspirational Speaker, Author, Department of Defense Analyst, and Mindfulness Meditation Practitioner. Ms. Veney has two daughters and two grand-angels. She's avid about domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, and trauma victims advocacy. She is honored to be a licensed Femme! Instructor since 2018, sharing transformative Femme! Experiences within the trauma community, helping victims and survivors fully express their emotions in safe spaces. Aundrea is changing the world through meaningful interactions, societal reform, and loving community support.